// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Class    : STACK from STACK.CPP
// Parents  :
// Friends  :
// Part of  :
// Created  : 12 Oct 1990 by A.C.Coder
// Abstract : This module implements a stack.
// Revision : 1.0, 12 Oct 1990 12:00:02, by ACC
//              Copyright (C) 1990 Sample Software Ltd.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Revision history
// 1.0: Initial revision
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// -------------------- APPLICATION INCLUDES ----------------------

#include "stack.h"

// ----------------------- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ----------------------

// - SIZE_STEP: defines the number of new stack elements allocated
//   each time the stack becomes full

int const SIZE_STEP = 40;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::Stack
// Description : Initializes the private members, all to 0. Memory
//               is not allocated before the first push.
// Updates     : - height
//               - size
//               - value
// ----------------------------------------------------------------

    // Nothing

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::~Stack
// Description : 
// Updates     : - value
// ----------------------------------------------------

    delete value;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::clear
// Description : 
// Updates     : - height
// ----------------------------------------------------

void Stack::clear()
    myheight = 0;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::empty
// Description : 
// Updates     : 
// ----------------------------------------------------

unsigned Stack::height()
    return myheight;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::push
// Description : 
// Updates     : - height
//               - size
//               - value
// ----------------------------------------------------

void Stack::push(
    STACK_ITEM item)
    if (myheight >= size)
        size += SIZE_STEP;
        STACK_ITEM *new_value = new STACK_ITEM[size];
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < myheight; i++)
            new_value[i] = value[i];
        delete value;
        value = new_value;
    value[myheight++] = item;

// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::pop
// Description : 
// Updates     : - height
// ----------------------------------------------------

STACK_ITEM Stack::pop()
    STACK_ITEM item;

    if (myheight > 0)
        item = value[--myheight];
    return item;

// -----------------------------------------------------
// Function    : Stack::top
// Description : 
// Updates     : 
// -----------------------------------------------------

STACK_ITEM Stack::top()
    STACK_ITEM item;
    if (myheight > 0)
        item = value[myheight - 1];
    return item;        

STACK_ITEM &Stack::element(unsigned index) { return value[index]; }