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Testing tools for C, C++ and Java
1998 news from Testwell
 Testwell tools are Year 2000 compliant December 1998

    Testwell notifies that all its testing tools are so called Year 2000 Compliant. In saying so we assume  that the underlying operating system provides the date information correctly, when the Testwell tools ask for it by normal operating system calls. Just recently formal tests on CTA++, CTB, CTC++ and CMT++ were completed. No problems were found in the tool behaviors before and after the millennium change.

CTA++ ships nowNovember 1998

    First customer deliveries of  CTA++, C++ Test Aider, have been done.

Testwell releases new testing tool CTA++ at Softec'98 FairsAugust 1998

    Testwell releases a new testing tool called CTA++, C++ Test Aider, at Helsinki Wanha Satama Exhibition Centre on 2-3 September 1998. CTA++ is an innovative test harnessing tool for testing C++ classes, libraries and subsystem.

New CTC++ to MSVC++ Developer Studio integration kit releasedJuly 1998

    This is a major re-write of the integration making the use of CTC++ astonishingly simple and efficient in this environment. This integration is available for CTC++ for Windows-NT/95 with Microsoft Visual C++ Developer Studio.

    Testwell exhibiting at Softec'98 (Helsinki, 2-3 Sep 1998) June 1998

Softec'98 is a focused fair targeted for specialist and decision makers working in computer technology applications in industry. Testing tools is one of the themes of these fairs.
The fairs will be held at Helsinki/Wanha Satama exhibition center on 2-3 September 1998. We will have a stand there and will demonstrate our testing tools for C and C++. Read more of this event from Should you be interested in our testing tools and would like to see them alive, please drop us a note and we'll do our best to send you a free ticket to this exhibition.

 TBGEN available with GNAT Ada compiler June 1998

The TBGEN System, Test Bed Generator for Ada, can now be used together with the GNAT Ada compiler. Sun/Solaris and Win-NT/95 versions are now available.
First CTC++/Host-Target Support deliveries done March 1998
The CTC++/Host-Target Support is a separate add-on package to CTC++ v4.3 (or later). It facilitates running the instrumented program in the target, collecting the test execution history back to the host, and in the host producing the normal coverage and timing reports.
This Host-Target Support package assumes normal CTC++ on some of the hosts we support. In principle the target machine can be of any hardware architecture, it can run any operating system (or be a "bare machine"), and the used C/C++ cross-compiler can be of any brand. The requirement is only that the host and the target can be put program-to-program wise communicate with each other (target sends a character stream to host at the end of the test session or at user-selected points). The target must also tolerate the small overhead caused of the CTC++ instrumentation.

 CTB v4.1.2 released January 1998

This is a small upgrade to CTB v4.1.1 and it is currently made available on Windows-95/NT with MSVC++ platform only. Support customers find details from Testwell Customer Area of our www-server

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