news from Testwell
- CMTJava v2.0
available October 2005
- This CMTJava v1.4 --> v2.0 upgrade brings
Maintainability Index calculation, support for XML form reporting, Java
5 support, improved HTML reporting, improved GUI (at Windows) and a
number of other smaller enhancements and bug fixes.
- CTC++ v6.1.1 available
August 2005
- Bug fixes (some extreme C++ cases) and a couple of
enhancements (improved ternary :? handling in conditions, etc.).
CTA++ extended with Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE integration
June 2005
- Now CTA++/Windows has integrations both to Visual
Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDEs.
CTC++ Host-Target add-on upgrade (v3.1) June 2005
- Enhancements to this CTC++ subcomponent. Mainly
making certain behavior consistent to the recently released CTC++
v6.1 host-based tool behavior.
CTC++ v6.1 available May 2005
- Introduced the ctc2excel
add-on utility for converting the coverage data to a TSV (tab separated
values) form processable in Excel or another spreadsheet application.
Introduced a full GUI-based integration to Visual Studio .NET IDE. Now,
there are the following IDE integrations in CTC++/Windows: Visual
Studio 5/6, Visual Studio .NET, and CodeWarrior in CTC++/Windows. A
number of bug corrections and other smaller enhancements have been made.
- CMT++ v4.0 available February
- This CMT++ v3.5 --> v4.0 upgrade brings
Maintainability Index calculation (new), support for XML form reporting
(new), and a number of other smaller enhancements and bug fixes.
CTC++ integration to CodeWarrior new version (v1.1) January 2005
- The integration now checks that CodeWarrior compiler
preprocessor (mwccsym2 -E) erroneously modified string literals do not
find their way to the instrumented code. The IDE-mode usage has been